Sailor Emerald
Name: Athene Anaya
Birthdate:May 20, 1984
Astrological sign:Taurus
Emerald Knight:Seth Lee
Bloodtype:O(universal donor)
Favorite color(s): emerald,red & silver
Favorite gemstone:agate
Favorite food:everything except seafood and onions
Least favorite food: seafood and onions
Favorite School Subject:dance,music
Least Favorite School Subject: Math,English
Strengths: Dance, communicating with others
Weaknesses: Heights and reptiles
Goal: to become a famous dancer and travel across the world.
1.)Emerald crystal power,Makeup - Sailor Emerald says this to transform to Sailor
2.) Emerald Windmill,crash-This attack is made by the Emerald Trident spinning like a windmill but very fast untill it has gathered enough positive energy then the energy is
fired at the enemy.This is Sailor Emerald's most powerful attack.
5.)Emerald Tsunami, blast- a large funnel of green energy blasts the enemy.
6.)Sailor Emerald is a mage. I guess that shouldn't count as an attack but it does come in handy.
Here's a new pic of Mystic and Mystic Knight.